Video Lessons, Handouts & Quizzes 0/11
After each video lesson, be sure to read the handout; then you should be able to take the quiz and pass this lesson.
- Lecture1.1
- Lecture1.2
- Quiz1.1
- Lecture1.3
- Lecture1.4
- Quiz1.2
- Lecture1.5
- Lecture1.6
- Quiz1.3
- Lecture1.7
- Lecture1.8
- Quiz1.4
Audio Lessons 0/4
The audio lessons allow you to hear the classes on your phone and to give you further insights on the lesson's topics.
- Lecture2.1
- Lecture2.2
- Lecture2.3
- Lecture2.4
Video Lesson 1: The Obligation to Respect God’s Name and what is forbidden as blasphemy.
Open-minded and consistent reasoning readily leads to a realization that there must be a Supreme Cause for our most complex yet intricately precise world.
Thus we arrive at the recognition and acknowledgment of God as Creator, Sovereign and Sustainer of the universe.
This acknowledgment is not only an intellectual conclusion, but of itself has practical implications.
Noting that life, health and all human needs and blessings emanate unceasingly from the Creator, we must surely acknowledge this in thought, speech and action.
We ought to express gratitude for the Divine benevolence on which we are continuously dependent, and make ourselves into worthy recipients thereof.
This is the concept of worshiping God that applies equally to all, Jews and Gentiles alike.